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The Parents and Friends of the Hearing Impaired, Inc (PAFOTHI)  provides funding toward the purchase of hearing aids, ear molds, or assistive listening and alerting equipment for Deaf and hard of hearing persons and/or their families who are financially unable to purchase these items by themselves.

Guidelines for requesting an application for financial assistance from PAFOTHI


Total net family income limit to qualify for funding is $2,750 per month.  Written documentation for each item of net family income must be attached to the application.  Income provided for foster children should not be included as part of the net family income and does not need to be reported on the application.


Ohio applicants must be a resident of either Washington County or Athens County.


West Virginia applicants must be a resident of either Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt or Wood counties.


For hearing aids a recent audiogram from a certified audiologist must be attached to the application.


A copy of the application must be completed and submitted to the Parents and Friends of the hearing Impaired (PAFOTHI) either by regular mail (USPS) or as an attachment on an email to


All requests for financing of hearing aids must be accompanied with a current description of the hearing aid being furnished and the price being charged for said aid.  If there is a balance due to the provider above the requested amount of funding, the provider must state what that balance due is and must verify that arrangements have bee made to pay that palance.


Maximum funding for any financial grant is $1000.


Click Here to get an application

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